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Healthy Fat Foods For Your Teeth

peanuts avocado and broccoli

Here at Slater Family Dental, we hear a lot of myths about what is healthy and what is not. We admit the health industry seems to put a lot of hype around certain foods, what you should eat, and what you can’t eat. You may be wondering what type of food is the best if your diet

One of the biggest misconceptions that we hear, in the health industry, is that fat will make you fat. We tell patients there are many foods that have fat in them, that are good for you, and even better for your teeth.

Just because it is labeled low-fat or fat-free doesn’t mean it is good. In fact, these types of food can be bad for your teeth, because they have refined processed foods which have a lot more sugar.

Here are the types of good fats that you should add into your diet for healthy teeth:


Nuts are a good source of omega-3. Omega-3 has many health benefits that can help prevent diseases. One of the main benefits of eating nuts is lowering your cholesterol.

Good nut sources are walnuts, almonds or brazil nuts. You can add them to your food, such as smoothies, nutrition bars, and salads or just eat them alone. Nut butters are also a great way to get nuts into your diet.

Eating almonds or nuts can actually help prevent wounds from getting bacteria and infected. Eating nuts can manager cardiovascular disease and help process your digestive system.

Olive oil

Eating olive oil is a healthy way to get heart health benefits. Olive oil is good for baking and in salad dressings. It has monosaturated fat which is an antioxidant.

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Olive oil has vitamin D which can help prevent cancer, improve your blood pressure and help prevent arthritis. Adding olive oil into your diet can help you maintain a lower healthier weight.


Avocados have great antioxidant power as well as the good fighting fat free radicals. Adding avocados to your salad or your smoothies can help you feel better instantly. They’re loaded with vitamin E, which can help prevent diseases and maintain great overall health.

Coconut oil coconut oil is a great addition to any regular cooking if you’re going to cook you can add coconut oil too smoothie oatmeal bars or baking. Coconut oil can improve your digestion and your intestinal health. It provides cardiovascular benefits that will help you feel better. Coconut oil promotes kidney function and can even help your immune system it will help maintain your weight.

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Eating more seeds can help you improve your health. Chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and even flaxseeds are all great additions to your diet. You can add them into smoothies, mix them into your yogurt or even sprinkle them on your salad.

All of these foods can help you feel better in your skin, when you eat better you feel better and you tend to smile more plus you will have more confidence.

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