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Foods To Keep Away From Your Teeth

candy Thompson family dental - Slater Family Dental - Hillsboro Dentist, Aloha Dentist, Beaverton Dentist

Taking care of your teeth starts with what you eat. Avoiding certain foods that are known to cause problems for teeth can help you have a healthy smile in the future. Food and drinks that are full of sugar, and acid, and ones that remain on your teeth for a period of time, are the worst choices for your oral health. At Slater Family Dental, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality of care, so here are a few foods you may want to avoid in your quest for healthy teeth:

Chewy Candy

Candies like taffy, gummy bears, and jellybeans can be very bad for your dental hygiene. These “sticky” candies take a very long time to dissolve and coat your mouth and gums in sugar. Harmful bacteria then feed on all this sugar and can erode your teeth and gums. Candies that are both sour and chewy also have acids that can erode teeth making them a poor choice for your teeth.

Citrus Juice and Fruit

You may know that citrus is a wonderful source of vitamin C, but it turns out it is not so great for your dental hygiene. The acid in citrus can wear the teeth enamel down, and as a 2008 study showed, grapefruit and lemon juices affect teeth the most, due to their high acidity levels. Do not fear though, like orange juice, by far the popular citrus beverage, is a better option, and some cartons also have added vitamin D and calcium, both of which can actually help your teeth.

Slater Family Dentist Beaverton OR Aloha Oregon


The vinegar used in pickling everything from sauerkraut, dill pickles, and other pickled veggies is chock full of acid as well. Many pickles also have a fair amount of sugar added to them as well. Of course, most people don’t eat pickles all that often, but over in England, a 2004 study showed that eating pickles more the once a day increased the odds of wear on teeth by 85%. So occasional pickles with your sandwich shouldn’t give you concern, but if you find yourself chomping on those sour sweets all the time, you might want to watch out!


Coffee is a stainer. You’re probably already aware of this fact, as who knows how many old mugs have those brownish streaks that just won’t come off. The staining that coffee does to your teeth can be resistant to brushing too. Those stains can be very sticky as well, which can attract bacteria and food particles. Coffee can be acidic and most people also add sugar, both of which can cause your teeth to suffer.

Call 503-536-1839 today to Schedule an Appointment with the Aloha family dentists at Slater Family Dental.

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