
The Surprising Benefits of Chewing Your Food

Slater Family Dentist Beaverton OR Aloha Oregon

As your general dentist in Aloha, Dr. Slater wants to ensure that all of his patients enjoy the best oral health possible. While practicing quality oral hygiene at home – which includes brushing twice a day and flossing daily – and scheduling regular exams with Dr. Slater are some of the best habits for protecting…

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Understanding the Causes of Oral Pain

tooth pain - Mouth Pain Dental Anxiety - Intra Oral Camera Dentist Beaverton OR Aloha Oregon

As an emergency dentist in Aloha, OR, our team at Slater Family Dental knows firsthand that sometimes your oral health requires immediate attention. Many patients visit our Aloha dental office looking for pain relief. While most oral health issues that cause discomfort are easily identifiable, some issues are harder to pinpoint. Facial pain can be…

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Study Finds Kids Often Exchange Oral Bacteria

Pediatric Family Dentist Beaverton OR Aloha Oregon

As a family dentist in Aloha, the team at Slater Family Dental knows just how close things can get with your loved ones. Especially when everybody is living under the same roof. Colds and coughs get passed around, and an illness for one means trouble for all. While the occasional virus or cold bug isn’t…

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Can Probiotics Lower Your Risk For Gum Disease?

Slater Family Emergency Dentist Beaverton OR Aloha Oregon

As your dentist in Aloha, Dr. Slater wants every patient to enjoy the very best oral health possible, which is why he recommends considering probiotics as part of your oral care routine. As most of us already know, tooth decay and gum disease pose two big threats to our long-term oral health. By lowering your…

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Good Oral Health Important To Expecting Mothers

Slater Family Emergency Dentist Beaverton OR Aloha Oregon

At Slater Family Dental, our Aloha family dental care specialists want patients to understand the important role of their oral health. Especially how it plays into their overall health. This link becomes especially important for expecting mothers. Most women understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle after becoming pregnant. In order to protect not…

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