Slater Family Dental Care can transform spaces, misaligned teeth, chips, and stains into a gorgeous, confident smile. If you’re considering porcelain crowns, veneers, teeth whitening, or any other cosmetic dental procedure.
Do you dream of a brighter, more confident smile? We believe everyone deserves to love their smile. Cosmetic dentistry blends artistry and advanced dental technology to give you a smile makeover that can change your life. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook!
Please call our office at 503-649-5900 or fill out the online form. We view all dental appointments as your commitment to a specific period of time reserved for your treatment. Except in cases of an emergency, you can expect us to be on time.
If you find it necessary to reschedule any dental appointments, we would appreciate 48 hours’ notice. Repeated broken appointments may result in a charge for the time reserved.
If you are calling with an emergency during normal business hours, please let our office know it is an emergency at the time of your call. We will do our utmost to accommodate your needs quick.
If you are calling after office hours, just listen to the recorded message at (503) 649 – 5900, where you will get instructions. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook.
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