Here at Slater Family Dental, your dentist in Beaverton, OR is always coming up with interesting ways to use dental products such as toothpaste.
Dr. Jay Slater shares with his patients the importance of brushing their teeth regularly. But toothpaste isn’t just for your teeth. Have you ever thought about what other things you can do with it?
1. Use Toothpaste to Remove Scuffs From Shoes
Put a little on your shoe and it does an amazing job of removing any scuffs from your leather shoes. Just put a dab on the scuffed area and rub it with a soft cloth. Wipe the area clean with a damp cloth. The leather will look new.
2. Polish Your Wedding Ring with Toothpaste
It’s true that toothpaste can shine up a diamond ring. Put a little on your diamond ring to add more sparkle. Clean off the residue with a damp cloth. Your ring will be as shiny as your teeth.
3. Use Toothpaste to Deodorize Baby Bottles
Baby bottles almost inevitably pick up a sour-milk smell. Lucky for you, toothpaste will remove the odor. Just put some in the bottle and brush and scrub away. Be sure to rinse thoroughly.
4. Prevent Foggy Goggles
Whether you are doing woodworking or going skiing or scuba diving, nothing is more frustrating (and sometimes dangerous) than fogged goggles. Prevent the problem by coating the goggles with toothpaste and then wiping them off.
5. Shine Bathroom and Kitchen Chrome
They make commercial cleaners with a very fine abrasive designed to shine up chrome, but if you don’t have any of these products handy, the fine abrasive in non-gel toothpaste works just as well. Sometimes it is even the same ingredients. Just smear on the toothpaste and polish with a soft, dry cloth.
6. Clean the Bathroom Sink
Non-gel works as well as anything else to clean the bathroom sink. And how convenient, the tube’s sitting right there, so just squirt some in, scrub with a sponge, and rinse it out. Bonus: The toothpaste will kill any odors emanating from the drain trap.
7. Remove Crayon from Walls
Do your kids get creative on your wall? Roll up your sleeves and grab a tube of non-gel toothpaste and a rag or — better yet — a scrub brush. Squirt the toothpaste on the wall and start scrubbing. Rinse the wall with water.

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